Cavite State University - Trece Martires City Campus

CvSU Trece Martires City Campus Organizations In Times of Pandemic

What happened to our student organizations during the pandemic?

         The COVID19 pandemic that started in early 2020 slammed the door on all facets of daily life. It disrupted local and international travel, slowed economic growth, and disrupted education around the world. COVID 19 has become a "supernova" in just a few months causing turmoil everywhere and disrupted the traditional educational system of the country. CvSU Trece Martires City Campus is no exception.

         Returning students to school has been an ongoing concern in most countries and a significant source of heated debate. Social distancing, thorough maintenance, and careful improvisation of all activities around the school have all been significant obstacles for schools that have reopened. We don't know what the long-term impact, effects, and consequences of opening schools in the current pandemic will be, but it's clear that the mental health of young people who feel trapped or isolated at home is a very real issue that has the potential to be a bigger problem than the virus itself. The well-being of leaders, teachers, learners, parents, and all stakeholders involved in the reopening of school life must be prioritized in this period of chaos, where quick solutions are needed in a fast-changing environment of schools. One major system in school that are is affected are is the school organizations by different departments. They lack of activities which that will be helpful to students who lacks elsewhere. Moreover, this made impossible because of the danger that we might face outside our homes. In addition, organizations are trying their best to somehow make activities online that will certainly engage students from the convienience of their homes. However, there are limited activities or proposals that go some limited activities or proposals go through due to limited resources.

         Moreover, there are is an organization in CvSU Trece Martires City Campus that is trying to at least be active to in their respective organizations. League of Information Technology Leaders (LITL) conducted their election for this school year. On the other hand, Central Student Government (CSG) conducted their election as well. Our beloved campus created an organization for Socio-Cultural for students who wants to join to improve their skills and creativity. Non-stop webinars conducted by our beloved faculty members and staff for students’ additional knowledge that will indeed help for their studies.
The pressure is constant for school leaders working in these stressful and chaotic circumstances, the choices are minimal, and sleepless nights are common. Staff meetings, food trip after meetings, and hallway talks with colleagues that used to make up a school day are no longer there. All of those vital, intimate moments when social relationships are formed and leadership is practiced simply vanished. Parents, students, and teachers now live in a fading education environment, waiting for normal service to return or hoping for a new normal that will provide stability, continuity, and reassurance. The sad reality is that none of these things is going to happen anytime soon. Meanwhile, school leaders find themselves in the unpleasant way of being the system's biggest liability. They rely on upper guidance for COVID-19 responses, processes, procedures, and protocols. Depending on how the virus progresses, these can change almost instantly. All at once, school leaders are dealing with dynamic and changing staffing situations, which means they must do a lot more with a lot less. Staff and students are socially disconnected, which means more work and more pressure on those staff who can return to work. Every expectation, whether from on high or from on low, requires more of school leaders, both professionally as well as personally.

         In such difficult times, school leaders cannot reproduce the leadership practices they witnessed or enjoyed during times of stability, continuity, and normalcy. Leading in disruptive times requires the ability to push a different course, to establish new paths through the instability. On this journey, school leaders, particularly at CvSU Trece Martires City Campus, are defined by their willingness, hope, and unshakeable belief that whatever happens, whatever the cost, whatever the scale of the challenge, they will continue to do everything in their duty to help the learning of all college students. We are all in this together Martyrs. Fighting!